Enrichment Classes
Throughout the year, we offer a variety of classes for children and parents. Classes are held in child care facilities as well as in the community. Contact us for more information.
Current Classes Offered:
Handwriting Tutoring
Instruction provided by an occupational therapist. Focuses on pencil grasp, letter and number construction, as well as the correct mechanics of sentence writing such as sizing, spacing, and line orientation.
Language Enrichment
Instruction provided by a speech language pathologist. Focuses on promoting use of new vocabulary, social communication, and early fluency skills. This class is great for emerging communicators and children learning English as a second language.
Social Skills Support
Instruction provided by a speech language pathologist. Focuses on social communication, collaborative play, requesting, turn taking, and conflict resolution.
Food School
Instruction provided by an occupational therapist. Focuses on learning creative ways to interact with food.
Located at The Village Play Place Lebanon, TN
Toddler Enrichment
Instruction provided by an occupational therapist. Focuses on learning through sensory and language play.
Located at The Village Play Place Lebanon, TN